
Memorable unboxing experience – from “nice to have” to “must-have”

In our previous article, we described the key drivers of ecommerce packaging and the three main stakeholders in the value chains. Today, we will focus on e-consumers and how to create a memorable unboxing experience. We will first redefine where the term comes from. Then, we will identify how ecommerce packaging plays a crucial role […]

Ecogrip Delivers the sustainable multi-packaging of bottles

Ecogrip Delivers the sustainable multi-packaging of bottles. 100% recyclable corrugate Sustainable alternative to single-use plastic Complete solution for bottle multi-packs Blue Box Partners, the pan-European Alliance of suppliers for corrugated board packaging solutions, has launched ECOGRIP, a corrugated alternative to shrink wrap for the multi-packing of a wide range of bottles that builds on the […]

Recycling and civil society: which are the most effective awareness raising strategies

Environmental issues and those concerning recycling have recently returned to the fore, especially following the recent Coronavirus pandemic. According to the opinion of many geologists, including Mario Tozzi, zoonoses are the consequence of a type of exploitation of resources that damages biodiversity through the destruction of ecosystems. In this sense, the greater frequency of contact […]

Green Spacer Protective Barriers: features and benefits

Among the consequences of Coronavirus stands out the emergency of reorganizing professional environments in total safety and in full compliance with current regulations. The Green Spacer cardboard protective barriers have been specially designed to cope with this situation, with total respect for the environment. They have the same protective functions as plexiglass separators and advantageous prices.  Green Spacer Protective […]

Tailored proposals and more personalized products: this is how the Inkjet guides Sandra

Sandra (Cart-One Parma) has been producing corrugated cardboard packaging for over 60 years for customers specializing in multiple sectors.  Always distinguished by its innovative ability that leads it to adopt new sustainable and cutting edge solutions, Sandra in 2010 installed in its production area an HS corrugator with 3.35 meters width (the largest model available on the market) and in 2017 a single-pass […]

Cart-One Parma. Trigeneration Plant: First Factory in the World 100% Green!

L’impianto di trigenerazione Sandra si è distinta a livello mondiale per le sue prestigiose performance prodotte nell’ambito della sostenibilità aziendale.

Italy hosts BBP annual meeting in Parma

Cart-One has been glad to host the annual Sales and Board Meeting Blue Box Partners in Parma. 28 participants with a unique goal: to grow in Europe and to be more and more the point of reference for innovation, quality and service for the clients.

Cart-One: BBP Innovation Day 2016

One year later, after the European Experience at Blue Paper papermill in Strasbourg, Cart-One at Antonio Sada & Figli plant at Pontecagnano hosted the Blue Box Partners Innovation Day 2016 on the 27-28-29 of April! 30 technicians, from all over Europe, joint to share knowledge and information about reasearch and development of new packaging solutions […]

Blue Box Partners is Evolving its Customer Service in Spain

Firstly, we want to inform you of the purchase of Industries San Cayetano in the north east of Spain.   This company is specialized in single high value packaging made of corrugated board or solid board. Innovative and customized packaging is one of their best strengths. Their products are well known in the fishing and […]

Cart-One Technical Sponsor of “There is no food without packaging”

The aim is to let people know, through videos and multimedia accesses, even to not experts, the fundamental role of food packaging, showing the birth and the evolution of technologies which allow to package, to make portions and to consume food in any state and shape, hygienically and safety. The exhibition shows also the industrial […]